To Know and Be Known - Part 1: The Unfortunate Separation of Church & Sex

Disciple Dojo - A podcast by JM Smith

To Know and Be Known - Forming a Thoughtful Christian Sexual Ethic Part 1: The Unfortunate Separation of Church & Sex We begin this 4 week study by looking at how there came to be such a lack of honest and frank discussion of sex and sexuality, particularly as being a positive thing, among Christians over the centuries. Where did this 'separation of church and sex' come from and how does it affect the way churches today approach the topic of sexuality? Taking our cue from Jesus himself, we begin where God begins when it comes to sexual relationships: in the Garden. How were man and woman created in terms of their sexuality? How do the events of Genesis 3 play into that calling? How do those who follow Jesus today approach sexuality, which is at the very core of who we are as humankind created in the Image of God? What do we do with the idea of divorce in light of Jesus' teachings? These are just a few of the points we discuss in this first week of To Know and Be Known. Stay tuned for part 2! ***To download the free PDF workbook from this course, head to