What is the 'Glory of the LORD'? (Rebecca Idestrom)

Disciple Dojo - A podcast by JM Smith

In this episode Dr. Rebecca Idestrom, Prof. of Old Testament at Tyndale Seminary, steps into the Dojo to talk about the 'glory' of God in the Hebrew Bible... Show Me Your Glory: The Glory of God in the Old Testament is available at:   https://www.amazon.com/Show-Me-Your-Glory-Testament-ebook/dp/B0BX1QH2G5/ 
or direct from the publisher at: https://wipfandstock.com/9781498217958/show-me-your-glory/   Rebecca’s commentaries on Habakkuk and Zephaniah can be found in: The Book of the Twelve https://brill.com/display/title/54154   Rebecca’s essay in Exploring the Glory of God: New Hoizons for a Theology of Glory can be found at: https://digitalcollections.tyndale.ca/handle/20.500.12730/1629 and the book is available at: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781978708921/Exploring-the-Glory-of-God-New-Horizons-for-a-Theology-of-Glory   Other resource mentioned: * The Glory of God, edited by Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A Peterson. Wheaton: Crossway, 2010. https://www.amazon.com/Glory-God-Christopher-W-Morgan/dp/1581349785 Rebecca can be contacted via her faculty page at: https://www.tyndale.ca/faculty/rebecca-idestrom ***Disciple Dojo shirts and other gifts are available over in our online store! - https://tinyurl.com/24ncuas2 ***Become a monthly Dojo Donor and help keep us going! - https://www.discipledojo.org/donate ***If you are an unmarried Christian looking for community, check out our Facebook group “The Grownup’s Table” over at www.facebook.com/groups/grownupstable ------ Go deeper at www.discipledojo.org