The Empath Guide | Stop Absorbing Energies By Pawan Nair

Discover Your Light - A podcast by Pawan Nair & Muskan Sharma


An empath is someone who has a heightened ability to sense, understand, and feel the emotions of others. They often absorb and experience the emotions, energies, and even physical sensations of those around them as if they were their own. This deep emotional sensitivity can make empaths highly compassionate and empathetic individuals, but it can also be overwhelming, as they may struggle to differentiate between their own feelings and those of others. Empaths are often drawn to helping professions or roles where they can use their sensitivity to assist others. However, their ability to pick up on the emotions of others can sometimes lead to emotional burnout or fatigue, especially if they are surrounded by negative energy or if they don’t practice self-care. Empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a common trait, but empaths experience it more intensely and on a deeper level. Empaths also have a heightened sensitivity to environmental factors, such as energy in a room or the presence of others, beyond just emotional empathy. Here's the link to my website where you can find my podcast and schedule private sessions :