21: make 'em swim
DisHH - A podcast by hayley and hannah

After a quick ponder on what it means to be the type of person that sets an alarm in the morning to get up and watch TV, Hayley and Hannah discuss one of their favorite pastimes: the CINEMA, baby! From seating preferences to snacks to marijuana choices, this is sure to be a riveting conversation for the DisHHeners. Next, they get down to business and chat about their shows. In the world of the 'Wives, most of the discussion is about the husbands this week and the comparable creepiness of Duy, Seth, and Justin Rose. When it comes to BIP, Hayley and Hannah comment on the abuse they are enduring on behalf of ABC, who is disrespectful of their time and seems to expect them to adjust their schedules every single week to accommodate their chaotic screening cadence- but unfortunately, on behalf of this podcast we'll keep doing it!!! We finally get to see Ivan crash and burn and Hayley and Hannah are here to break it down- as Ron would say, he is a LOSER and a LIAR! They also comment on the sad, sad, "Paradise Prom", losing patience with Joe and Serena's "perfect" relationship, James finally finding a decent match, Style Spotter doing the Lord's work, and who has the best tan. For the Breaking DisHH this week, we've got some big news to unpack- Chris Harrison has finally been replaced and Wells didn't get the callback. Set your alarms and enjoy!