What Has Anxiety Got To Do With Food?

Dishing Up Nutrition - A podcast by Nutritional Weight & Wellness, Inc.


The rates of anxiety have been rising each year and there was a dramatic spike in 2020 with the pandemic. Chances are there are several things that may be stressing you out and causing you to feel anxious: the economy, your job or job loss, divorce or relationship conflict, illness of you or a loved one, the environment, or a natural disaster. There’s no shortage of things that might lead to feeling anxious, and even 1 in 3 teenagers in the U.S. ages 13-18 have an anxiety disorder! The connection between food choices and anxiety isn’t surprising when you think about it – if our bodies aren’t getting the nutrients they need to function properly, there will be more issues with moods and levels of stress. And that’s what we’ll cover in today’s show: how you can change your nutrition to reduce anxiety.