BONUS: The Death Of Disney’s Straight-To-DVD Sequels
Disniversity Podcast - A podcast by Disniversity Podcast - Tuesdays

As the winding road of the Wilderness Years stretches on, film journalist Ben Travis and animation academic Sam Summers take a quick pit-stop to mark a major point in the timeline: the end of Disney’s straight-to-video sequel era. Together they look back on the best, worst, and most egregious entries in the non-canonical canon, from the time-twisting Cinderella saga, to the deeply meta Lion King-verse, and beyond. RIP, home-entertainment exclusives – we hardly knew ye, (or, maybe knew ye better than ye deserved). Next up: Home On The Range Disniversity is brought to you by Ben Travis (@benstravis) and Sam Summers (@samsummers0), with art by Olly Gibbs and music by Nafets. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @disniversity. This podcast is not affiliated with Disney.