Episode 114 - Be The Better Version of Yourself with Kate Glendon

Disrupt The Everyday Podcast - A podcast by Brine & Tonya Hamilton

Watch: https://youtu.be/CRUl0ZEFTC0 


On this episode we are joined by Kate Glendon. Kate is a public health professional with experience in community health promotion and prevention with a focus of total wellness. On this episode we discuss:

  • Avoiding burnout

  • Building healthy habits

  • Having happier relationships

For places to listen, places to connect on social media, to be a guest, collaborate with or sponsor DTE visit: https://linktr.ee/DisruptTheEveryday

Kate’s website: https://www.glendoncoaching.com/

About Kate in her words

I know what it feels like to burn the midnight fire from all ends -from work, relationships, and failed diets. I know that burning in your heart and head and the desire to be happy but not knowing how. I want to support women and men that I didn't have. I want to empower others to be their best selves. -I'm Kate, and I will inspire your audience to develop healthy, positive changes. As a Certified Professional & Mindset Coach, I can help others clarify their goals, identify the obstacles holding them back, and develop strategies for overcoming each barrier. In creating these strategies, I target your unique skills and gifts. By helping them make the most of their strengths, I provide the support they need to achieve long-lasting change

I am a dynamic, forward-thinking master's level public health professional with experience in community health promotion and prevention with a focus on total wellness and specializing in Planning - Policy Development - Media Relations - Community Mobilization - Program design and implementation, and management. Kate is an authentic leader who leads with her heart and listens to her clients to develop their vision statement and to create a road map toward their change. Kathryn assists communities, groups, and individuals in increasing their quality of life.