You Might Have to Suck Before You Get Awesome

DIY Marketing School with Melanie Dyann Howe - A podcast by Melanie Dyann Howe


I think just about every entrepreneur, content creator, or self-employed person deals with some level of perfectionism. Some more than others. We strive to be great, even the best, at what we do. When it comes to marketing ourselves it requires us to stretch our skills and even develop new ones. Whether it be learning to write copy, design social media posts, record podcast episodes, create videos, design a website, we have to push through the feelings of "I suck at this" and publish it anyway. Start giving yourself the grace to start out a bit sucky. The sooner you get into action, the better you'll get at creating more content and doing more to support your growth. Another episode you might be interested in: It's not a pivot, more of a realignmentCheck out the book, Mindset written by Carol S. Dweck PhD (Amazon affiliate link)Check out the book, The Five Second Rule by Mel Robbins (Amazon affiliate link)Support the showGet a 14-Day Free Trial of StreamYard with My Partner LinkLearn more from me on YouTube