5 Tips for AMAZING Holiday Sales

Do It For the Process from Emily Jeffords - A podcast by Emily Jeffords


The holidays are (nearly) here and it's time for your creativity to SHINE!  In this episode, I share 5 tips that will majorly increase your holiday sales: 1. Think of your website like a storefront.  Make it beautiful, tidy, enchanting, and easy to navigate. 2. Be consistent and constant.  Remember that, during normal times of the year, if you say something five times, your audience is just beginning to hear you. During the holidays I recommend saying something at least 7 to 10 times in order to be heard!  It might feel like too much to you, but it doesn't feel that way to your customers. 3. Photography, photography, photography!  You can do it yourself or hire a pro, but having good photos is really the only way to stay in business these days. 4. Offer a variety of price points to meet a variety of your customer's needs 5. Make your gifting easy. Curated collections, suggestions for different people, bundles…   BONUS: find joy in the season.  You really have to store up energy and bring it during this time of year, but remember, your audience can sniff out disingenuous emotion!   Store up your energy, nourish yourself, and when you show up, be radiant.    LINKS and RESOURCES: The Collective, The Artist's Success Path @Emily_Jeffords on Instagram Creative Retreats, Willow Gathering