Share the Work!

Do It For the Process from Emily Jeffords - A podcast by Emily Jeffords


Welcome to Share the Work! This is a 4 part series + challenge and by the end of this short series you will feel empowered and excited to share your work in the most vibrant and passionate way possible. Over the next few episodes we’re going to dive into: — 3 things you must know to sell art online — How do you know if your art is worth selling? — 5 ways to share your work and get the attention of collectors — Breaking the mold: The 5 most hurtful lies artists believe (and 5 ways we can overcome those blocks). I suspect that, because you’re here, you create beautiful work that you are proud of and want others to appreciate You are a little tired of artwork stacking up around your studio or in the corner of your spare bedroom Your creative vibe is THRIVING but your business is withering If you have a creative business, you wonder HOW LONG will this thing keep sustaining me? Can I really make this a life-long career? HERE’S THE DEAL Hoppin creative careers don’t just happen to people. Vibrant creative businesses are crafted and designed and there is enormous amounts of LOVE poured into them. Intentional planning Listening to your energy Knowing that your inspiration is dependable and that it WILL show up Serving your collectors and community so well that they will support you in kind I want you to leave out time together feeling so connected to and confident in your work that you are proud to share it with the world (ps. this is marketing - and it’s fun) Stop holding back your work! Your artwork is your heart and your love in physical form. And art is an expression of love Love is incredibly powerful. Love is incredibly attractive. Love is an easy and generous thing to share. The algorithm is not screwing your art career Your collectors are not too poor YOU can market your work super effectively and easily. — You don’t need a rep or gallery or agent to do this for you. YOU are the most effective voice your art has in the world. Your creativity is abundant and it is asking you to also live abundantly When you feel confident and empowered to share your work with your growing audience you are spreading love and connection and beauty with the world.     Marketing (aka, sharing your work) is an ACT OF GENEROSITY.   Next week we are going to further dive into the things you need to know to bring your work to the world elegantly and sustainably: — 3 things you must know to sell art online — How do you know if your art is worth selling? — 5 ways to share your work and get the attention of collectors — Breaking the mold: The 5 most hurtful lies artists believe (and 5 ways we can overcome those blocks).   Subscribe and listen in then!   WANT TO JOIN SHARE THE WORK?  Watch the free video series here.