How to Talk to Others with Civility
Doable Discipleship - A podcast by Saddleback Church - Tuesdays

When we talk about character, particularly in an election season, we have to talk about civility. At its heart, civility is about respect – respect for other people – and that is something that we’ve seen to move away from. One could say it's a lost art . . . but it shouldn’t even be considered an art – it should be an inherent value. Yet as a culture we seem all the ready to disregard the opinions and considerations of others and lose civility in the process. So, how should Christians consider civility? All people should be civil, but today's episode is specifically talking to the church and offering that reminder that Christlike character is expressed civilly. And there are many deep elements about this truth that my guest is going to guide us through today. That guest is Tom Holladay, frequent guest on this podcast and former teaching pastor at Saddleback Church. In this conversation, Tom and I talk about whether the loss of civility really is a modern thing or is seen in history as well, the winsomeness of civility, why civility matters in us and in leaders, and how we can approach our relationships with civility. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship EpisodesThe Power in Gentleness - to Live with Humility - the Bible: Genesis - With Hope in the Midst of Struggle - About the Fruit of the Spirit -