#302 - Joshua Parker: Healing the Self: Trauma, Transformation, and the Path to Wholeness

Doc Malik - A podcast by Ahmad Malik

FREEDOM - HEALTH - HAPPINESSWARNING - This podcast is highly addictive and seriously good for your health.SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes, have access to bonus content, back catalogue, and monthly Live Streams, please subscribe to either: The paid Spotify subscription here: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/docmalik/subscribe The paid Substack subscription here: https://docmalik.substack.com/subscribeThank you to all the new subscribers for your lovely messages and reviews! And a big thanks to my existing subscribers for sticking with me and supporting the show! ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: In this episode, I sit down with Joshua to explore the journey of healing, self-discovery, and transformation. We discuss how unresolved trauma shapes our identity, often holding us back from living authentically. I share my own experiences of facing deep emotional wounds, recognising how childhood experiences influence self-worth, relationships, and personal growth.We talk about the importance of self-love and integration, understanding that true healing isn’t about forgetting the past but learning to process and release it. Joshua and I reflect on how synchronicities and life’s unexpected moments often guide us toward deeper awareness and connection. We also touch on accountability, grounding, and the role of community in healing, emphasising that change starts from within and is ultimately a personal journey.This conversation is about breaking free from old patterns, stepping into self-awareness, and embracing the path to wholeness because healing isn’t just about overcoming pain; it’s about rediscovering who we truly are.EnjoyAhmad xIMPORTANT INFORMATIONAFFILIATE CODESWaterpureI distil all my water for drinking, washing fruit and vegetables, and cooking. If you knew what was in tap water, so would you!⁠https://waterpure.co.uk/docmalik BUY HERE TODAYHunter & Gather FoodsSeed oils are inflammatory, toxic and nasty; eliminate them from your diet immediately. Check out the products from this great companyhttps://hunterandgatherfoods.com/?ref=DOCHG BUY HERE TODAYUse DOCHG to get 10% OFF your purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods.IMPORTANT NOTICEIf you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options - ⁠Buy me a coffee⁠ If you want to make a one-off donation.Join my Substack To access additional content, you can upgrade to paid from just £5.50 a monthDoc Malik Merch Store⁠ Check out my amazing freedom merchTo sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠[email protected]⁠Check out my website, visit ⁠www.docmalik.com