RACGP or ACRRM: Which GP College is Right For You?

Doctor What? Doctor Where? Stories of Rural Medicine in Victoria - A podcast by Monash University


So you're thinking about becoming a GP, or perhaps even taking it to the next level and becoming a Rural Generalist. Well there's a lot of exciting things happening with this specialty right now. The return to College-led training, Rural Generalists potentially becoming a protected title, and lots more new things to look forward to. If you're thinking about a GP fellowship you'll already know there's two colleges - the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. Becoming a fellow of either college enables you to practice as a GP anywhere in Australia. But there are subtle points of difference. In this episode you'll hear from people from both colleges as well as trainees who decided to opt for each college. For more information about the study and training opportunities across regional Victoria, head to https://monash.edu/medicine/rural-health The North West Victoria and Gippsland Regional Training Hubs have commissioned this podcast to help medical students and junior doctors learn more about training and practicing medicine in regional Australia. Find your nearest Regional Training Hub here: http://www.regionalmedicaltraining.com.au/regional-training-hubs/