TDP 842: Moons of Vulpana #DoctorWho 251 from @BigFinish

Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast - A podcast by [email protected]

@TinDogPodcast Reviews This title was released in May 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until June 30th 2019, and on general sale after this date. The Doctor has returned Mags, formerly of the Psychic Circus, to her native world: Vulpana. Not the savage Vulpana that Mags was taken from, but Vulpana in an earlier era. The Golden Millennium – when the Four Great Wolf Packs, each devoted to one of the planet’s four moons, oversaw the height of Vulpanan civilisation. A time when the noblest families of the Vulpanan aristocracy found themselves in need of new blood… A golden age that’s about to come to a violent end!