Extra! - A Verity! Regeneration
Doctor Who: Verity! - A podcast by The Verities

Happy 2023, everyone! This year, after 10 years of podcasting, Verity! is going to regenerate! Join Deb, Erika, Kat, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy as we all look back at the last 10 years and share some general hopes for the future! We also chat about the trailer for the Tennant-and-Tate 60th anniversary specials. Much excitement and many feels all around! Yes, that's right, Verity! will be taking a hiatus and making some changes, so think of this ep as the speech at the end of "Survival", but with the knowledge that the show WILL come back again -- and a lot sooner than Doctor Who did in the 80s/90s! Many many thanks for listening, whether you've been with us since 2013, picked up somewhere since then, or are joining us right now! We appreciate the community that has built itself up around us, and we're excited to regenerate into the next version of Verity! to keep bringing you thoughts and feelings about Doctor Who for a good long while to come! ^E Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon