#34: Bob Bailey - The History of Animal Training

Dog Talk with Nick Benger - A podcast by Dog Talk with Nick Benger


Bob Bailey is a key figure in the development of animal training as it is known today. He is well known for his work in training animals for the US military including dolphins and pigeons. He also ran Animal Behaviour Enterprises alongside Marian Breland for 35 years where they trained animals for theme parks, zoos and aquariums. Bob famously ran 'Chicken Camp' where trainers came to improve their skills by training chickens under his guidance. In this podcast we discuss the history of animal training and how Bob got involved in it and became one of the pioneers of modern training. Bob shares stories of training Coyotes, collecting animals in his youth and befriending Walt Disney.  75% off Butternut Box: www.butternutbox.com/nickbenger Engagement Guide: www.barkplayteach.com/the-engagement-guide Show Notes: www.nickbenger.com/bob-bailey