Show 36: Nigel Reed: Emotional Intelligence Based Dog Training

Doggy Dan Podcast Show - A podcast by Doggy Dan


Nigel Reed: Emotional Intelligence Based Dog Training Today’s Guest Nigel Reed I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Nigel Reed, a dog trainer with over 20 years of experience who specializes in emotional intelligence based dog training techniques. Nigel has turned his love for dogs into a lifelong career, helping families rebuild their relationships with their pups using kind training techniques and has an incredible resume behind his name!  In fact, Nigel is the author of the bestselling book, The Dog Guardian and he holds certificates and qualifications in dog training behavior, animal assisted therapy, and wolf studies. If you’re curious about Nigel’s dog training methods and how they are both similar and different from my own training methods, I invite you to check out my podcast episode now! You’ll Hear About:  [01:00] Who is Nigel Reed [03:00] Nigel’s Approach to Dog Training   [05:30] Emotional Intelligence Training Concept  [07:30] The problem with shock collars and other harsh methods     [14:30] 5 Building Blocks for Training   [17:00] Fight, Freeze, or Flight     [23:30] How to Raise a Happy Dog     [25:40] Pack Leader Misconceptions  [31:00] Crossover Between Wolves and Domestic Dogs  [33:20] Candidolgy  [34:50] The Issue With Zero Boundaries    [37:30] Learn More About Nigel Reed Links & Resources Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Book: The Dog Guardian:, also available on Audible. Learn more by tuning into the podcast! Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.     Cheers,