31. Carmela’s Story: Tantric Living, Sacred Union & Balancing our Divine Masculine & Feminine Energy

Earth Mama Wisdom - A podcast by Maddie Amor

Here is my interview with beautiful Goddess Carmela, who combines her studies in the ancient Vedic wisdom sciences - Yoga, Ayurveda and traditional Tantra with her love and passion for embodiment, dance, women’s work and expression. Carmela works with people through 1:1 mentoring, Yoga & meditation, Retreats, womens Ecstatic Dance, bodywork and massage. In this educational episode Carmela shares so much sacred wisdom with us in the realms of Tantra, Sadhana practices, Sacred Union and so many other amazing topics such as: * The power of having a sadhana (spiritual practice) * Creating connection to your body * The divine feminine expression * The power of sisterhood * Traditional tantra vs neo tantra * The alchemical process of tantra * Shiva & Shakti explained * The sacred masculine and sacred feminine explained * Sacred union explained * Samskaras is explained * How to balance your masculine & feminine energies * Releasing shame & fear * The power of dance & embodiment * How to experience sacred union within your partnership * Carmela’s twin flame story and how she met the love of her life (now husband) * Carmela’s spoken word poetry * Carmela’s sacred training in Guatemala * Astral travel & lucid dreaming * The power of grounding & embodiment * Carmela’s long term dharmic vision https://www.theveganyogitraveller.com/inspiring-humans/carmelas-story Recommended Tantra Author: David Deida Carmela’s training in Guatemala: http://www.laspiramidesdelka.com You can connect with Carmela through: Website: https://www.primalnaturehealing.com Instagram: @Carmela_King_ @primalnaturehealing Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrimalNatureHealing Keep up to date with my personal offerings and journey at: Instagram: @TheVeganYogiTraveller Website: https://www.theveganyogitraveller.com