#5 Tackling Inequity in Education and Culture with Janeen Bryant, community engagement specialist and Director of Operations at CREED
#Doitdifferent - A podcast by Communicating the Arts

Janeen Bryant is the Director of Operations at the Center for Racial Equity in Education. Prior to joining CREED she has worked as a teacher, been in charge of managing budgets and sponsors for various non-profits, served as Vice-President of Education at the Levine museum of the New South and also created her own consultancy called Facilitate Movement in which she offers her services as community engagement specialist. Last but not least she is part of the collective behind the Empathetic Museum and a contributor to the Mass Action platform. In this episode she talks about the role of education in tackling inequity, the importance of challenging — and sometimes breaking — rules if we are to create more justice in our societies and shares interesting insight about the generative power of conflict. Links mentioned in this episode : Websites: https://implicit.harvard.edu/ https://www.museumaction.org/massaction-blog/2020/4/16/equitable-institutional-sustainability-in-times-of-crisis https://creed-nc.org/ https://facilitatemovement.com/ http://empatheticmuseum.weebly.com/ Twitter Handles: @liamthewiseman @TeamJaneen @1Facilitateher Books: Radical Imagination — Max Haiven and Alex Khasnabish Emergent Strategy — Adrriene Maree Brown Do It Different is produced and hosted by Alexia Jacques-Casanova for Communicating the Arts. Theme song, sound mixing and editing by Kévin Kelly. Find Communicating the Arts online : www.communicatingthearts.com On Twitter: @Agendaparis and Facebook @Agendagency #DoItDifferent