Why I have tracked my submissive’s menstrual cycle for over 1700 straight days

Dom Sub Devotion - A podcast by Andrew & Dawn - Infinite Devotion - Mondays

Podcast Notes   Why I have tracked my submissive’s cycle for over 1700 straight days - Dom Sub Devotion Podcast For more details and background on this episode, along with some reflections questions, visit https://infinitedevotion.com/blog/episode-75 There are few things that I teach that are more impactful than what I share in this episode.  Tracking Dawn’s cycle, for over 1700 straight days now, has given me an understanding of her, and of women in general, in a way that I could have never imagined.  Not only has it helped me learn more about her and find a deeper acceptance for how she evolves throughout the month, the grace and patience that this understanding has helped me to have with and for her has also given her an entirely new depth of self acceptance.  And this self acceptance has contributed more to the depth of her trust and submission than probably any other thing.  Listen to this episode, men and women both. You will learn some powerful things about what makes a woman a woman, and just maybe, have a little more patience and compassion for her, or yourself, in the process.  ~~~ Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man Check out Structuring Your D/s Dynamic, our course that walks you through the process of setting up your D/s dynamic for success, using the same process that Andrew uses. No more basic templates, or trying to squeeze your real life into someone else’s contract. This course walks you, step by step, through deep conversations, then helps you to establish rules, rituals, tasks, and eventually a full contract, that is fully YOURS and built to evolve with you over time. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/structuring-your-ds-dynamic Our newest course for submissive women is available NOW. Submissive Foundations teaches women how to embody submission from a healthy emotional inner strength, with your self respect fully intact. Click the link to learn more! https://infinitedevotion.com/submissive-foundations   Social Links:   Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion   YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion   Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion   Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships. Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe   Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content.    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/store   Free Resources:    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance   FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass   FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds   FREE: Get Dawn's Manifesto: The Self Respecting Submissive Woman. Click here to download it now! https://www.infinitedevotion.com/self-respecting-submissive-woman   Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/ or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!         00:00 Introduction to Dom Sub Devotion 00:35 The Most Impactful Thing for a Dominant Man 01:13 Understanding a Woman's Hormonal Cycle 07:58 The Four Phases of the Hormonal Cycle 21:21 Tracking and Working with Her Cycle 26:38 Practical Tips for Dominants 32:27 Deepening Trust and Acceptance 56:17 Conclusion and Final Thoughts