Early Intervention Statistics with Dr. George C Fareed (#226)

Dr. Berkson's Best Health Radio Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

Dr. George Fareed Dr. George Fareed is a Harvard trained medical doctor who started out working in virology with Dr. Fauci at the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases early in his career. Then Dr. Fareed wanted to help the “underserved” and moved from Washington to east of San Diego. This is a highly agricultural area and the residents are mainly of Hispanic descent with a high incidence of health issues that often make them much more vulnerable to severe viral disease. In this population, Dr. Fareed and his colleague, Dr. Brian Tyson, have treated over 7,000 cases of this virus. Their patient population have a high incidences of type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Remember, these are the very “co-morbidities” that increase the risk of severe cases in the pandemic. Dr. Fareed utilizes “early intervention” as described in the article just published by himself and a number of esteemed medical colleagues below. At the end of August 2021 The national average of being treated in the typical manner, translated into a 9% hospitalization rate if you are over 60 years of age. And if you are under 50 years old, the hospitalization rate is 0.4%. Dr. Fareed’s office had a statistician come in and track the efficacy of his protocol on the first 4,500 patients. The hospitalization rate for Dr. Fareed’s patients who received early treatment was only 0.07%! So… his protocols are keeping vulnerable patients out of hospitals. The question becomes, “Why is early intervention being censored? Not available? Why are Doctors who talk and write about early treatment worried they might have to go before their medical board?” What is Next Dr. Fareed is leaving to go to the Rome Covid World Summits in a few weeks and will come back on the show to share what was discussed by viral experts around the world. Keep an eye out for Dr. Fareed's upcoming book talking about his journey in the treatment of pandemic patients. Additional Information & Links Outline of Dr. Fareed and Dr. Tyson's Current Protocol  Early Outpatient Treatment in Nursing Homes International Covid Summit Dr. Fareed's Book Preview Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) Statistical Reference How Many SARS-CoV-2-Infected People Require Hospitalization?