From Digital Health to The Opioid Epidemic with Dr Mark Shapiro of 'Explore The Space'

Dr Paddy Barrett Podcast - A podcast by Dr Paddy Barrett - Paddy Barrett interviews Dr Eric Topol, Prof Barry Schwa

Dr Mark Shapiro is an Internal Medicine physician here in the California area and is the host of the fascinating podcast 'Explore The Space'.  This is our second conversation on the show, mostly because I believe Dr Shapiro has such interesting perspectives to share and our first interview was not optimal because of sound quality which was entirely my own fault; lesson learned! This is a super conversation where we dig into many of the topics Dr Shapiro has covered on his show, from the future of digital health, to gene editing and the opioid epidemic in the US.  If you enjoyed this episode please €˜Subscribe€˜ on iTunes or Stitcher. Enjoy! Selected Show Notes: Explore The Space Podcast Sam Harris Podcast 'Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging' by Sebastion Junger Twitter: @ETSshow