The Inevitability Of Physician Burnout - Dr Anthony Montgomery, Organizational Psychologist

Dr Paddy Barrett Podcast - A podcast by Dr Paddy Barrett - Paddy Barrett interviews Dr Eric Topol, Prof Barry Schwa

Dr Anthony Montgomery is an organizational psychologist and an internationally recognized expert on burnout. Currently he is an Associate Professor of Work & Organizational Psychology at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. He has studied the individual and organizational elements of burnout for many years and his findings are fascinating.  I came across Dr Montgomery's work after reading an article he wrote entitled 'The Inevitability of Physician Burnout'. This is an enlightening conversation as to why we need to refocus the issue of burnout from the individual level to the ecosystem level.  If you enjoyed this episode please €˜Subscribe€˜ on iTunes or Stitcher. Enjoy! Selected Show Notes: Dr Anthony Montgomery 'The inevitability of physician burnout' by Dr Anthony Montgomery Well Med Conference 'Mindset' by Carol Dweck Areas Of Work Life Survey