Dragon Bytes Basics - Bronchiolitis Part 2

Dragon Bytes Paediatric Podcast - A podcast by Dr Assim Javaid and Dr Stacey Harris


Dragon Bytes Basics - This subseries is aimed at teaching some basic paediatric concepts to healthcare students. Each week medical students from Wales will be joined by a paediatric doctor to discuss common paediatric conditions. These episodes are just introductions and aren’t meant to replace standard revision – remember there will be some regional variations in practice and practice will change as new evidence comes to light. However, this is paediatrics made easy to help listeners get their heads around some thing new. We continue this week with Bronchiolitis. Alex Richards, one of the medical students in Cardiff University and a presenter for Dragon Bytes Basics, is joined by Dr Tommy Isaac, a paediatric registrar in Wales. They’re going to talk through some of the basics of Bronchiolitis together. Part 2 of 2.