Dualistic Unity Raw Episode 42 (March 20th, 2023) | Navigating the Tides of Change

Dualistic Unity - A podcast by Andrew and Ray

An unedited copy of the Dualistic Unity Livestream from March 20, 2023. Join us weekly at https://twitch.tv/DualisticUnity In an era where the fabric of society seems to unravel at the edges, this episode of our podcast stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. Join us as we navigate through the complexities of our current financial system, the intriguing potential of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and the deeper underlying issue of identity and division that plagues our collective psyche.  As we delve into the intricacies of economic structures destined to fail and explore the revolutionary promise of decentralized currencies, we uncover a truth far more profound than the mechanics of monetary policy or the speculative allure of digital assets. Our discussion reveals that the real power lies not in the wealth we accumulate or the technologies we adopt but in our ability to question, to connect, and to recognize the illusory nature of division that has kept us apart. In this journey through the chaos of today's world, we shed light on the mechanisms of control and manipulation embedded in our system, questioning the sustainability of a society built on endless consumption and division. We challenge you to look beyond the superficial solutions presented by the status quo and to consider the transformative potential of redefining our values and priorities. This episode is more than a critique of the present; it's a call to action for a future where unity and shared purpose can lead us to a more compassionate, understanding, and resilient society. It invites you to be part of a dialogue that transcends the polarities of fear and greed, illuminating a path forward where we collectively embrace the power of our inherent interconnectedness.   - [00:00:00] Introduction: Emphasis on maintaining lightness in the face of global heaviness.- [00:10:15] Dialogue on the current state of banking and economic systems.- [00:20:30] Examination of the unsustainable nature of the financial system and the inevitability of its failure.- [00:30:45] Analysis of economic manipulation tactics and their impact on society.- [00:41:00] Dissection of the "tax the rich" narrative and its inadequacy in addressing systemic issues.- [00:51:15] Discussion on the strategic use of crises for societal control.- [01:01:30] Consideration of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and their implications.- [01:11:45] Speculation on the adoption of workplace monitoring technologies.- [01:22:00] Exploration of shifting global power dynamics and the future of the US dollar.- [01:32:15] Predictions on political instability in the US and the potential for civil unrest.- [01:42:30] Concluding thoughts on the necessity of individual mentality shift for systemic change.