Chats with Cat Paterson

Dying for a Life - A podcast by dyingforalife


The Dying for a Life podcast is about living life well and understanding the multiple deaths that happen in our life- sounds jolly right. . In this podcast I am speaking to my friend Cat Paterson. Cat is a multi passionate entrepreneur! Which means she has – approximately 500 businesses (and 2 more have been started since I wrote that sentence). Cats insight and background from her “previous world (you have to listen to know that she took many principles of running businesses from drug dealers) is used to a high standard in her coaching and consulting and through the development of many products. She is one of the most focused and tenacious individuals I know whose phrase “I’ve been thinking..” strikes fear into many. You can check her out on Check out her course where you can make your own books (true story)   and – its true – there are multiple sites talking about liquid cats