Andrew Dickens: The cautious political answer Christopher Luxon gave on privatisation

Early Edition with Ryan Bridge - A podcast by Newstalk ZB

So the word of the week was privatisation. It became a debate because David Seymour said we should do it now in his state of the nation speech on Monday. So obviously the media asked the Prime Minister want  he thinks of the junior coalition partner’s thoughts. And Christopher Luxon vacillated, he gave the cautious political answer trying not to upset anyone. It's something we might look at, but not without a mandate, so we might campaign on it in 2 years time. So it won’t happen for two years, or maybe more,  so don’t worry about. We’re cool. It was an answer so convoluted that obviously the media asked more questions. And then of course the people said bloody media, trying to stir up trouble with their leftist bias.  But it was the Prime Minister's fault for faffing about trying not to upset anyone or more specifically the centre left and nationalists who hate it. Well that didn't work. Why couldn’t he just say good idea, we agree, next time.  Because we all know he agrees with the idea, and we all know his supporters agree.  But he didn’t, because he’s like every other politician who’s values blow in whichever wind they think the electorate is blowing. Politicians who don't just say yes but nor do they say no. They say maybe which is even worse. They all do it, ask Chris Hipkins about capital gains tax. See for privacy information.