Sparking Early Childhood Conversations About Race

Early Risers - A podcast by Minnesota Public Radio


Wouldn’t it be great to play games for a living? That’s a big part of John Sessler’s job for PBS Kids. He tells Early Risers host Dianne Haulcy the work is fun, but not simple. PBS Kids content is required to meet learning goals while also expanding what children know about race and culture. PBS Kids starts with diverse teams of content creators and ends with children as active and curious consumers of media.Guest: John Sessler is Director of Professional Learning for Ready To Learn at PBS Kids. Sessler has spent 20 years designing experiences that develop young learners’ empathy, curiosity, reflection, and critical thinking skills.Download the Early Risers Season 6 Episode 3 Discussion GuideEpisode Resources:Lyla in the LoopPBS Kids video on playful learningPBS Kids: How to Talk to Children About RaceSesame Workshop: Explaining Race