Happy Pink Libra Full Moon and Two Week Report!

Earth Sky Woman Podcast - A podcast by Tami


Happy Pink Libra Full Moon, Ostara, Easter, Passover, still Ramadan, almost Earth Day!Today's Full Moon is ALMOST a sidenote when you consider all the surrounding astrology. The Libra Pink Full Moon with Priestess Star Spica was exact today at 1:55 pm square Pluto.  Spica, long associated with the Divine Feminine,  has connections specifically with the Goddess Brigid, as shared recently by Daniel Giamario, originator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm,  from a time when the Full Moon closest to Spica was visible near Imbolc, Brigid's holiday.The Pluto effect is amplified as the Sun Square Pluto transit can be felt through the coming week AND Pluto stations retrograde next week, so it is close to the earth and felt palpably. We're definitely feeling the Underworld energetics of needing to face the shadow, lean into what frightens or otherwise provokes strong feeling in us, and from this direct confrontation gain the gifts of wholeness, strength, and coherence. Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces with Venus and MarsStill in the window of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction last Tuesday with Mars joining the duo and Venus in Pisces Thursday (mega Pisces energy on the personal and collective levels).  The Jupiter Neptune conjunction was a once in 150 year event and will continue to be active over the coming weeks with Venus activating them at the end of the month.We all love the Piscean gifts of bliss, unity consciousness, compassion, healing and unconditional love.  Yet this great Piscean activation has stirred the shadows of Pisces as well. Consider Pisces is always the END of a long, long cycle and before we surrender into an ocean of oneness, we may feel feel the weight of the world--the most unbearable grief, sorrow and heartsickness.If this has been you, overtaken by soul weariness in this past week even as astrologers everywhere were proclaiming the blessings and gifts of the transit, know you were not alone.  Pisces, like every sign, encompasses the full spectrum, the full range of extremes from deepest grief to most profound ecstatic bliss.It can be helpful to remember we are tiny, and the Ocean of life is vast.  To let ourselves experience the gift of our smallness, even as we claim our own role, our own place as dreamers of the worlds within our sphere of influence.And this is also the moment poised on the edge of rebirth and like Jupiter's back and forth movement between Aries and Pisces the promise is for the sun to burst out of the clouds, and a new beginning to be felt personally and collectively.Venus moving from Throat to Heart Chakra GateVenus continues moving through the Throat Chakra Gate until April 26.  Until that time we all benefit greatly from the practice of “speaking even if our voice shakes,” in fact I would say, ESPECIALLY then.  Are we willing to tell the truth about what we know, feel and experience? Even if it is unpopular? Even if we might be understood? With South Node in Scorpio, I have felt strongly (and seen it repeatedly) that the fear around revealing our “inner witch” would be amplified.  Yet it is even more essential now for us to claim and express the wisdom, feminine knowing, and magical perceptions we carry.  Our world needs our personal gnosis like never before. On April 26 the Moon activates Venus at the Heart Chakra Gate and for the month following it's for us to clear, release, and unburden ourselves of the many ways we have closed our hearts to life, to love, to full presence.FOR THE FULL REPORT CHECK OUT MY PODCAST HERE