54. Stronger Together: Mobilizing Communities of Resistance, with Dominic Frongillo

Earthkeepers: A Circlewood Podcast on Creation Care and Spirituality - A podcast by Forrest Inslee - Mondays

In this episode we talk to Dominic Frongillo, a young climate advocate, politician, and teacher from New York State. Dominic was the youngest person ever elected to serve on the City Council in Caroline, New York, and one of the youngest deputy mayors in the U.S. He is also the cofounder and executive director of Elected Officials to Protect America—an organization whose mission it is to create a safe, prosperous, and healthy planet by supporting and mobilizing “elected officials and civic leaders to protect the environment, and fight climate change.” In our conversation, Dominic helps us understand that real change can happen when courageous individuals help motivate whole communities around the common cause of environmental and social justice—at the local or the global level.Upcoming event:  live webinar with Brian McLaren on May 17th, 7pm PST. To donate to the relief work in Ukraine being done by a trusted friend of ours, 1. go to https://www.missiondispatch.org/tanya-vasiko-machabeli 2. click the “TO DONATE” button 3. choose “Tanya & Vasico Machabeli — Nehemiah” from the drop down of optionsGuest: Dominic Frongillo - executive director of Elected Officials to Protect America Former council member & deputy Mayor of Caroline, New York.  Mentions:  UN climate negotiations - Bali, Indonesia (2007) Forrest’s cousin, Washington state governor Jay Inslee Costa Rica - deforestation history Dr. Katharine Hayhoe Greta Thunberg - climate activist Island of Kiribati - climate change threat Naomi Klein - book: This Changes Everything fracking 101 NY state fracking ban Study on dictatorships unable to stay in place when just 3.5 % of population is actively resistingVladimir Putin - example of a fossil fuel dictator; Russia supplies 40% of Europe's gas;  Elected Officials to Protect America Find us on our website: Earthkeepers Support the Earthkeepers podcast Check out the Ecological Disciple