Top Non-COVID-19 AAC Papers of 2020: A discussion with early stage investigators (AAC ed.)
Editors in Conversation - A podcast by American Society for Microbiology
What influential research outside of COVID-19 was published in AAC in 2020? Objectives: • Discuss pathways of young scientists in antimicrobial resistance • Highlight important papers in AAC in 2020 that were not related to COVID-19 • Stimulate discussion in important topics related to antimicrobial agents I want to welcome my co-host Dr. Maria Fernanda Mojica who is the host of the ASM Journal Club focused on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance. Dr. Mojica is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Case Western Reserve University. Joining us to discuss their experiences and top paper of AAC in 2020 are: • Dr. Ayesha Khan: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX • Dr. Alina Iovleva: Clinical Instructor and Burroughs Wellcome Fund Scholar, University of Pittsburgh and UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA