#361 - 55 Year Olds in The Narberth Area, Dell Tower and The Past, Present & Future of Rush Radio

Elis James and John Robins - A podcast by BBC Radio 5 Live


Well, Fine and Unwell: the three states. Constantly switching across protagonists with one having to pick up the slack. But who will it be this week? An Elis at peak stress levels, a Dave on one hour sleep, or a still zen Robins?There’s a lot of chaos to absorb on the show today as Dave tries his best to wrangle four professional talkers. Never has a bleary eyed father of three had his patience tested so much. The combination of Elis and John x Clara and Jordan from BBC Sounds’ ‘Make Me A Mixtape’ could be his undoing.Elsewhere there are a couple of the most bonkers coach journeys hitherto known to man - which justifies this very long thread’s continued current inclusion. Plus, has Elis finally met his Cymraes match?You can check out Make Me A Mixtape on the inimitable BBC Sounds. It’s loadsa fun. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0j2n5w8/episodes/playerAnd remember, do get in touch if you’ve ever had wasps in your bell tower. [email protected] or 07974 293 022 on WhatsApp.