Embrace It: Episode 57 - Xian Horn, Catalyst for Inclusion

Embrace It with Lainie & Estela - Smashing Disability Stigmas - A podcast by Lainie & Estela from The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation & Trend-ABLE Blog For People With Disabilities | Launchpad 516 Studios


Send us a text Join us for an inspiring episode of the Embrace It Podcast as we welcome the radiant Xian Horn, a true catalyst for inclusion. Xian, a joyful half-Asian woman with Cerebral Palsy, wears many hats: teacher, writer, speaker, beauty advocate, blogger, and Exemplar for the AT&T NYU Connect Ability Challenge towards creating Assistive Technology. Named one of the 21 Leaders for the 21st Century by Women's eNews in 2017, Xian Horn's journey toward reconceptualizing leadership has...