E85: Teams That Stick Like Glue

Emotional Optimism: Living in The Silver Lining Podcast - A podcast by Claude Silver


At VaynerMedia, it feels like you just arrived and also like you've been around forever. I've been here for nine years myself, but some days it feels like only two and others feel like 18. The secret to feeling at home is having a team that sticks together like  glue! Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Why working at VaynerMedia feels timeless The lack of intimacy in tech Becoming a part of the glue in a team Finding the momentum that works for you and your team The importance of self-awareness and self-care as leaders Episode Highlights: [00:42] Why Working at VaynerMedia Feels Timeless Working at VaynerMedia feels like you've been working there for a long time due to several factors. Firstly, the familiarity and camaraderie that come with being part of a close-knit team contribute to a sense of belonging and attachment that can make time seem to fly by. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of the company means that there is always something new to learn and keep up with, which can make it feel like you've been there for a shorter time than you actually have. The speaker also mentions that there is a certain flow to the work that can be established relatively quickly, which creates a sense of routine and comfort. Ultimately, the combination of these factors makes working at VaynerMedia a unique and engaging experience that can lead to a sense of timelessness. [01:12] The Cost of Scale: Exploring the Lack of Intimacy in Larger Tech Companies I've noticed that at larger tech companies, there is a certain lack of intimacy compared to smaller teams. While these companies have to run with high efficiency to serve millions or even billions of people, this focus on scale can sometimes come at the cost of personal connection. Even though I feel appreciated and liked on these teams, it often feels like these sentiments are just surface-level interactions and don't extend beyond that. This creates a sense of distance and makes it harder to establish deeper connections or a sense of community within the workplace. As a result, I aim to be part of the glue that holds teams together, cultivating an environment where everyone feels valued and supported. The "soundless glue" symbolizes our shared commitment to building a strong and supportive team culture. [01:55] Finding the Right Kind of Momentum To get your team going, you have to know when to mix things up and try new approaches with a can-do attitude. It helps to be around other people who are always learning and exploring too! But keep in mind, not everyone will react the same so be open to different energy styles. To keep the momentum going, make sure everyone knows what they're working towards and keep pushing for improvements and innovation. Just don't forget that change can be scary but it's necessary for growth. [02:57] The Importance of Self-Awareness and Self-Care in Leadership Good leaders know themselves well. They take the time to ask themselves tough questions or get help from their team if needed. When our team is feeling down and out, we have to be there for them. We can relate to their feelings and give them a hand by helping with fears, imposter syndrome, and emotional baggage. Just remember, we're human too, so we have to be careful not to carry too much on our own shoulders. That's why self-awareness and self-care are super important for good leadership Resources mentioned: VaynerMedia