Episode 93: Dopamine
Emotionally Unavailable - A podcast by Malisa Hepner
Hey everyone, meet Kate Paullin, founder of Follow The Dopamine. She's a mindset mentor and helps people to work with their brain and not against it. She gets you to your best self by understanding the normal cycles your brain goes through and helps you to work through the enrgetic cycles to maximize your progress. Here's what I know - when I was done talking to her this day, I felt so good for the whole rest of the day and have carried our conversation with me. She is full of love and light and kindness and is here to give her light to others. She is hosting a free group for AUD/HD individuals, or those who think maybe this could be an answer for them. Check her out @ https://www.followthedopamine.life/, https://www.instagram.com/followthedopamine.life/?hl=en