Talk About the “Seeds” Before They Become “Weeds” in Your Marriage: Episode 351
EmPowered Couples with The Freemans - A podcast by Aaron & Jocelyn Freeman - Tuesdays

Talk about things before they become a bigger issue. On our vacation with family, I brought up the topic of intimacy (physical specifically) and it sparked a great conversation between us. Now for many this could be a conversation that isn’t brought up and turns into a bigger issue later. This is when it can turn into a “weed” that impacts your marriage. Or it could be a conversation that causes defensiveness and conflict. Neither of these are positive options. You see, we want to talk about how we’re feeling and what we want BEFORE it starts to affect you and the connection, trust, or openness you have with your partner. In this episode you will hear us discuss: What’s a “seed” in the relationship vs a “weed” What happens when we don’t discuss things soon enough How to think about bringing these things up and making it a productive conversation Relationship Resources: The Level 1 “Prioritizing Us” 30-Day Couples Challenge (you get the popular Family Meeting guide as a bonus gift with this) The Level 2 “Rebuilding Us” 30-Day Couples Challenge (repairing and rebuilding after a harder season of marriage)