What Women Truly WANT in a Marriage, Especially the Longer They’re Together: Episode 354
EmPowered Couples with The Freemans - A podcast by Aaron & Jocelyn Freeman - Tuesdays

It’s the age old question “what do women want” in a marriage? If having a successful marriage is directly related to meeting each other’s needs then it’s quite important to know what those needs are. This episode will be a two part series that will follow up with exploring the needs that men have as well (so don’t feel left out guys)! With the amount of coaching sessions we do, we have a great insight into the common needs that are going unmet for couples. There are themes that seem to show up in general, so even the specific needs we hear from women in one season, will not be the same in another. In this episode you will hear the top 3 needs we are hearing from women right now, which are especially related to the longer a couple is together. As you will hear from the beginning, these needs are more like categories than specific actions. If you look at them this way then it won’t seem like a moving target from one season to another. Focus on these 3 categories and you will find more flexibility and effectiveness in meeting the needs in the years to come. Relationship Resources: Want fun, simple, and sweet ideas for feeling more Prioritized by each other? Make sure you take advantage of the 30-Day “Prioritizing Us’ couples challenge that is starting less than 2 days from when this is posted. Go to MyCouplesChallenge.com No matter how busy you are, these prompts are realistic but shake things up a bit and get you out of the routine in your interactions. Just read the testimonials and you’ll see why over 32,000 couples have loved our challenges.