Episode 039 - Philippa Jefferis
Engineering Success - A podcast by Jaemie Hutton
Engineering Success interviews Philippa Jefferis a Business Excellence Manager at BAM Nuttall Philippa has been lucky to explore the world through engineering. Starting in the UK, she soon found herself involved in road maintenance in Sydney, Australia before a brief stint back home in the UK managing roads here. She has since had the opportunity to work in Sierra Leone, Nepal and Pakistan and dreams of being able to claim she has worked in all 7 continents. 4 down, 3 to go! Though reluctant at first to become an engineer, partly due to not really knowing what one was, Philippa now promotes engineering through being a QE Prize Ambassador. Engineering gives an opportunity to see behind the scenes of how the world works, and Philippa has always enjoyed problem solving. Her current role allows her to "zoom out" to see the bigger picture, of where engineering sits within the wider commercial context, yet she still enjoys the opportunity to get on site and see the difference made on a daily basis by civil engineers.