Learning the Future Tense with Teacher Tim! | English for Kids Podcast
English For Kids - A podcast by Tim Ngai

高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Join Teacher Tim on this fun-filled episode of the English for Kids podcast as we jump into a time machine and learn all about the future tense! In this episode, kids will learn how to use "will" and "going to" to talk about the exciting things they plan to do tomorrow, next week, or even next year! With fun examples, songs, and interactive activities, learning English has never been this fun. Perfect for young ESL learners, especially kids in Asia who want to improve their grammar skills in an engaging and simple way. Want to learn more? Check out our online English grammar class for Grade 1 at headstartacademy.teachable.com/p/billingual-grade-1-english-grammar! Tune in and let's explore the future together!