EBD271 Changing Your Dog by Changing Your Thinking
Enlightened By Dogs: Living with Cooperation, Not Obedience - A podcast by Kathy Kawalec
All behavior is communication, so how your dog responds to you (or doesn’t respond to you) is how they are trying to tell you how they feel in the moment. When your dog seemingly refuses to listen to you, it can be really frustrating. Sometimes, it can even feel like your dog isn’t listening to you on purpose, which makes you even more frustrated. Thankfully, Kathy knows just what you need to do to change your story from ‘my dog won’t listen’ to ‘my dog loves to listen’! Now, the answer might not be what you expected! To get your dog to listen to you, first, you’ve got to listen to your dog. Tune in for all the details in this insightful episode! In this episode: The real reason why your dog won’t listen to you How to reframe your thoughts about your dog’s listening Why role modeling can help you guide behavior How to create a plan for when you feel that your dog isn’t listening to you Quotes: “When you believe that your dog is not listening, I would invite you to reframe that into: my dog has a need that isn’t being met.” “We can teach our dogs how to communicate without escalating their behavior by listening to them in a different way.” “If we’re going to step up as a trusted guide and role model for our dogs, then we’ve got to figure out a different way to be in the moment when they need us the most.” LOVE TO LEARN MORE? Become a calm and confident Dog Mom with a cooperative, happy dog ... without obedience training, or relying on treats or arousing games, or corrections of any type. Here are some next steps: SUBSCRIBE to Kathy’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DancingHeartsDogAcademy/videos LISTEN or READ Kathy’s Podcast and Blog on her Website: https://dancingheartsdogacademy.com/ GET STARTED work with Kathy: https://dancinghearts.link/foundation LET’S CONNECT on the socials for more partnership tips and advice: -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dancinghearts/ -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathykawalec/ LISTEN TO PODCASTS: Subscribe to the Enlightened By Dogs podcast in your favorite app! Don’t forget to leave us a rating and review – it would make Kathy very happy! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts | Listen on Spotify Connect on Facebook: facebook.com/dancinghearts/