Intro to Tritype Theory

Enneagram & Coffee - A podcast by Cloud10

  In the 71st episode of Enneagram & Coffee, host Sarajane Case talks about introduction to Tri-Type Theory including what is tri-type theory, where it originated, and how it works.   Episode Highlights:    Tri-type Theory is a theory regarding the Enneagram Personality of having a dominant type in each center.  The center is the head types (5, 6, and 7), gut types (8, 9, and 1), and heart types (2,3, and 4). Tri- type theory says that people are a combination of three types, not just the dominant.  We have a particular stacking associated with enneagram types (first, second, and third). People will access the center first, then the second, and then third.  The theory implies that you may have more in common with someone who shares your type combinations than with someone who shares the same dominant type.   David and Katherine Fauvre began to develop the Tri-Type Theory in the mid-90s.  Archetypes are combinations of enneagram types.  Katherine Fauvre's website says, Tri-type was born of the results of the research gathered from Katherine Fauvre's initial explorations into an instinctual subtype, core fears, self-iage, language, spirituality, intimacy, and pair-bonding from 1994-1998. On the website, it says that Fauvre consistently noticed that individuals with the same Enneagrmam types described themselves similarly, as they have the same lexicon to communaid she doesn't subscribe to the tri-type theory.  Sarajane thought that there is no need for another unique identifier for herself outside of the ones that already exist. She thought that the two tests for tri-type theory are not good enough especially for research.  Tri-type can be a little bit distracting from the work of your structure type.  Sarajane's had struggles with the Fauvre's test asking her questions related to how other people experienced her.  Sarajane encourages listeners who are into tri-type to make an argument with her.  Sarajane loves the work of Dr. Jerome about stacking the nine enneagram types.  Sarajane said that we have nine enneagrams inside of us, there's just some that we can access faster than the rest. icate internal states, self-image, and motivation strategies. Per the website, the analysis revealed that Enneagram Tritype is an integral part of Enneagram Theory, as the two supporting types are illustrated and evident in the questionnaires through participants’ language and self-conception descriptions. If one tactic is not working, a person will move to the second (gut) and then to the third (heart).  Sarajane enumerated titles for archetypes: 125 (mentor), 126 (supporter), 127 (teacher), 135 (technical expert), 136 (taskmaster), 137 (system builder), 145 (researcher), 146 (philosopher), and 147 (visionary). Continuation of archetypes: 258 (strategist), 259 (problem solver), 268 (rescuer), 269 (good samaritan), 278 (free-spirit), and 279(peacemaker) Another set of archetypes are: 358 (solution master), 359 (thinker), 368 (justice fighter), 369 (mediator), 378 (mover and shaker), and 379 (ambassador).  Another set of archetypes also include: 478 (scholar), 459 (contemplative), 468 (truth-teller), 469 (seeker), 478 (messenger) and 479 (gentle spirit).  To know a person's Tri-type, one can get a test or look at the center that he/she resonates with, or you can ask about the shame, fear, and anger.  The tri-type theory is real in the sense that it is a real theory, it is a series of patterns that are noticed and observed.  How tri-type interacts with wings are varied. There is no definitive answer.  Sarajane s 3 Key Points: Tri- type theory is a theory that says people are a combination of three Enneagram types. Tri-type theory has three types representing the dominant Enneagram type within each center of intelligence: the head, heart and gut. People have all the nine Enneagrams, there are numbers that people can access faster than the others.     Tweetable Quotes:   "My preferred method in any enneagram is to read and see what feels like home"  - Sarajane Case "My advice is, go read the descriptions of the subtypes." - Sarajane Case "I always believe in it, it exists because it is a theory, and it's a theory because it is not proven" - Sarajane Case "If it works for you, play with it if it doesn't, leave it behind. No harm was done" - Sarajane Case "I don't feel the need to create another unique identifier for myself. outside of the ones that already exist."  - Sarajane Case "I don't make decisions because of other people, ever."  - Sarajane Case "We are not one type because that's not how the brain science works, but more so we have quick access to certain numbers and the brain will go there first. "  - Sarajane Case "We have all numbers inside of us, we are connected to all nine numbers, there's just some that we have faster access to making them unique to each center." - Sarajane Case Resources Mentioned:   Sarajane Case Instagram Katherine Fauvre Consulting