Darci Lynne and Misty Farmer Talk Family, Christmas, and Working From Home, Plus Producer and Coach Gary Owen - Episode 529

Entertaining Insights with Dr. Nancy Berk - A podcast by Dr. Nancy Berk


America’s Got Talent winner Darci Lynne and her mother Misty Farmer join Nancy to talk about the power of family, Christmas, Darci’s career journey, music in their family, extreme togetherness, and filming The Spin with Darci Lynne and Nickelodeon’s Unfiltered from home during the pandemic (1:56). In the second segment, ventriloquist, coach and entertainment producer Gary Owen shares creative gift ideas for beginning and advanced performers as well as those who might be open to testing the waters, and the value in exploring the arts (34:38). Like and follow Entertaining Insights Facebook Page. Darci Lynne’s earlier podcast episodes: 2016 interview and 2017 interview. Watch The Spin with Darci Lynne. See Darci Lynne on Nickelodeon’s Unfiltered. Watch Darci Lynne’s AGT audition and golden buzzer moment. Follow Darci on Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. Find out more about Gary Owen. Find used puppets and other products in ventriloquism and novelty arts via Ventriloquist Swap Meet on Facebook. Professional puppets, dummies, and other resources: MAT, The Dummy Shoppe, Handemonium, Axtell Expressions, Phillips Puppets. Find out more about the Vent Haven International Ventriloquist Convention. And check out the Vent Haven Museum. It’s the world’s only museum dedicated to ventriloquism. Visit Nancy’s website. Learn about segment sponsor the Finding Brave podcast with host Kathy Caprino (1:35, 34:25).