Divesting From Fossil Fuels

Environmental Investing - A podcast by Environmental Investing


Can having coal, oil or natural gas companies in your portfolio expose you to increased risk? On this episode we have Brett Fleishman joining us. Brett is the senior analyst for 350.org. Through this role he focuses on the campaign to divest from fossil fuels. Prior to joining 350.org Brett has had an amalgam of rich experiences including: working in Washington D.C. for the economist Jeremy Rifkin at The Foundation on Economic Trends.; instructing experiential college-accredited courses on development economics in Boliva, Peru and Laos. And even organizing an epic road trip that started in Colorado and ended deep in the Patagonia mountains of Southern Chile. This episode's featured music is brought to you by Brian Lee & His Orchestra (www.brianleeandhisorchestra.com). Additionally the intro music was written and recorded by Son Lux (music.sonlux.com). www.environmentalinvesting.com