Acupressure - Tallgrass Canada With Jesse McGowan

Equine Bodytalks - A podcast by Kim Krebs


As equine bodyworkers, we often work in multiple modalities of soft tissue. One such modality that is gaining in popularity for the benefits it can deliver in a gentle and affective way, is acupressure. Today we talk with Tallgrass Canada owner, Jesse McGowan in regards to acupressure and how it can compliment or stand alone as an option in woking with equine and canine athletes. Jesse holds a bachelor of science in animal behaviour as well as her training in complimentary therapies of acupressure, iridology and reiki. She owns and operates her own practice in Ontario, Canada called Birch Animal Wellness ( as well as owning and operating the Tallgrass Canada division ( Tallgrass Canada has many workshops available to any and all levels of students interested in acupressure. You can check out their website and see more about their offerings there as well as following them on their social media sites @tallgrasscanada. Tina and I had a great conversation with Jesse to delve deeper into acupressure as well as to clearly distinguish between acuPRESSURE and acuPUNCTURE.  So sit back and listen in as we look into this modality.   For more information about our continuing education short courses for equine professionals and owners courses, please check out Follow along with our social media sites on FB and instagram under @inhandequinetherapy. Thank you for all your support and downloads! Our goal with this podcast is to continually open the conversation around equine wellness and bodywork. It is through open conversation that we can grow this industry with knowledge and understanding of our equine partners. Ever evolving along with tried and true methods of horse husbandry, it’s by learning from one another that we will elevate the care of these amazing animals and partners. So don’t be afraid to connect through social media, both Facebook and Instagram @equinebodytalks #opentheconversation