Escape Pod 903: Bishop’s Opening (Part 4 of 4)

Escape Pod - A podcast by Escape Artists, Inc - Thursdays

Bishop's Opening (Part 4 of 4) By R.S.A. Garcia The attendants set little bowls shaped like flower petals in front Sebastian and Olly. Steam drifted upward, redolent of fresh herbs and a hint of lime. Bits of white flesh speckled with green seasonings, and rolled dumplings floated in a golden broth. "You must be hungry by now," Sticky said. "I made this fresh earlier today. But of course, you know that. I dropped an entire pot--" "This is mom's fish broth, isn't it?" Olly said in a low voice, staring at the delicate transparent bowl. "Her favourite," Sticky's voice was gentle and Sebastian's heart pinched at the melded love and loss in his expression. "The Bishop has a fondness for it as well. I make it often for him." "Why do you call him the Bishop? Isn't Bishop his name?" Sebastian asked.