2021 proxy season marked “new era” of shareholder support for ESG issues

ESG Insider: A podcast from S&P Global - A podcast by S&P Global - Fridays


The 2021 proxy season brought a new level of shareholder support for key ESG-related themes ranging from climate change to diversity disclosures. In this episode of ESG Insider, we talk to Sustainable Investments Institute founding executive director Heidi Welsh. “We've entered a whole new era” of shareholder support for ESG issues, Heidi tells us. “Investors want more information on climate change, on diversity and inclusion, on corporate political influence,” she says. For additional information about the 2021 proxy season, listen to our episode on the implications of shareholders' ouster of several Exxon Mobil board members: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exxon-board-ouster-over-climate-change-has-big-implications/id1475521006?i=1000524283710 And you can also find all our coverage of COP26 at http://spglobal.com/cop26 Photo credit: Getty Images