Episode 4 - The Only Certainty Is Uncertainty with Jenn Barley & Karen Sullivan

Essenta Insights - A podcast by Essenta


In this episode we have the pleasure of inviting not one but two guest speakers in an engaging dialogue regarding how the uncertainty of the pandemic has impacted leadership behaviour.Jenn and Karen are the founders of KickStart your Edge, a disruptive leadership & coaching consultancy,  where they help executive leadership teams build play to win cultures especially in uncertain situations.  Many of our clients have commented Covid-19 has offered a True Talent Review and Jenn and Karen share more insights in terms of default leadership reactions one can find amongst senior leadership teams. What is your default reaction when uncertainty feels huge and how to prepare your organisation for the uncertain future? How do you proactively prepare your organisation for uncertainty and ensure high levels of engagement from your employees? We hope you enjoy this insightful session and feel free to share your feedback with us at  [email protected] About Kick Start Your Edge:Jenn Barley and Karen Sullivan are co-founders of KickStart Your Edge, a revolutionary, straight forward, disruptive organisation focused on building Play To Win Cultures for bold distinctive brands, such as Coty, Philosophy, The University of Texas- Austin, BMW, Facebook, and more. KickStart Your Edge uses an innovative, sustainable framework, focusing on three key Play to Win Strategies:·       Developing a Play to Win Internal Coaching Culture ·       Creating Play to Win Brand Relevance Turnaround·       Producing Play to Win LeadershipWith Jenn’s background in Silicon Valley and Karen’s background of 25 years in law enforcement and retiring as a Chief of Police in Monmouth County, NJ, KickStart Your Edge brings a ‘we don’t even have a B game’ approach to all their engagements.Visit their websiteIf you have any feedback, questions or would like to feature in future episodes, please email [email protected]

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