Episode 7 - Trust As A Key Enabler Of Inclusion with Lucy Sorrentini

Essenta Insights - A podcast by Essenta


This episode we have travelled across the ocean again to virtually invite Lucy Sorrentini as our guest speaker, Founder and CEO of Impact consulting, a minority and woman owned professional services firm focused on talent and organisational development, D&I consulting, leadership development and executive coaching. After two episodes about Diversity we will move on to the powerful connector of Diversity – Inclusion. After all, you can have a hugely diverse senior management team yet if the Culture is one that is not inclusive than we are missing out on the created potential. Lucy will share her insights on the ‘secret sauce’ to increase inclusion within and across organisations globally. Specifically trust as the key enabler of inclusion.  Trust is the conduit through which new ideas, innovation and inclusion will travel. So being on the right side of trust is a must have. It continues to be a key enabler of successful relationships and strategies. What does Trust specifically mean, where and how does it show up in our personal and professional relationships? Additionally, how can organisations improve overall trust levels to enhance levels of inclusion?  Lucy will share her valuable recommendations and we hope you enjoy this session. If you have any feedback or questions, please contact [email protected]

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