Qatar’s security plans for the World Cup
Essential Middle East - A podcast by Al Jazeera

The clock is ticking for the world’s biggest football tournament all set to begin in Qatar this week. One of the smallest countries to host a World Cup, Qatar is expected to welcome approximately 1.2 million fans for one of the world's most-watched sporting events. From security threats to cyberattacks, to crowd management and potential hooliganism - the challenges are enormous for the host nation. So how is Qatar planning to ensure the security of millions of fans expected to attend the World Cup? In this episode: Osama Bin Javaid (@osamabinjavaid), Al Jazeera English Correspondent Episode credits: This episode was co-produced by Salem Alyafei and our intern Nada Shakir. Our sound designer is George Alwer. Our lead engagement producer is Aya Elmileik and our assistant engagement producer is Adam Abou-Gad. The executive producer is Omar Al Saleh and the head of audio is Ney Alvarez. Our host is Sami Zeidan. Connect with us: @AJEPodcasts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook