Episode 6: Spotlight on Ukraine

Europeans at Heart - A podcast by EUNeighbours EAST


Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe, filled with amazing landscapes, delicious food and hospitable people. The country is extremely rich in culture, the homeland of many artists and always rocking Eurovision! Do you want to know more about Ukraine? Listen to our episode, and find out more about this beautiful country! Robin Kumar is an Italian national of Indian origins, he has recently graduated from St Mary's University Twickenham with a BSc in Criminology and Sociology. Currently, he is an MLitt candidate at St Andrews University in International Security Studies. Throughout his academic career he has shown a particular interest concerning security and crimes related issues. Furthermore, he is very active within the European environment, being appointed as young European Ambassador for both Italy and the United Kingdom. His primary intent is to work with young people  to enhance the unity among the EU. He is a proactive citizen that not only cares about Italy - his home county - but also about a safe and well settled European Union that is capable of delivering opportunities to every single person that crosses its borders. His future career is focused on the international security field. Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/robinkumar1997 Valeriia Hudz has been a Young European Ambassador since 2020. She's got a bachelor's degree in Political Science and getting her Master's degree in Public governing and administration at Vasyl Stus National University. Valeriia is a co-founder of 2 NGOs Youth Democratic Association YODA and Eco Platform DILY. Her focus in social work is civic and non-formal education. Also Valeriia is an organizer of eco-festival DILY held in her hometown Vinnytsia and project manager of informational campaigns at YODA ngo Her linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vhudz/ Victoria Kulyniak is a Young European Ambassador since 2019. She studies Political Science at Ukrainian Catholic University. Victoria has been involved in social activism for 4 years. Now, her main occupation is project and strategic management. She is a member of the International Association for Political Science Students and the Ambassador of The World's Largest Lesson. Nadia Golotchoglou is a student at UCL, where she studies Politics, Sociology and East European Studies. Deeply interested in geopolitics, international relations, public affairs and policy making on both a national and international level, Nadia has been appointed Young European Ambassador and is responsible for the EU relations with countries from the Eastern Partnership. Engaged into learning more about the regions of Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Middle East and Central Asia. Aspiring political advisor on matters close to her heart, you can find her disserting on the regions mentioned above, as well as on environmental and (geo)political matters. Apart from work, Nadia strongly believes in the power of education, she is passionate about languages, travelling and learning about new cultures. Equally, keen on sports, you can find her hiking when not indoors on the fencing piste. Her Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadia-golotchoglou/ Want to learn more about us? https://euneighbourseast.eu/young-european-ambassadors/